Slash commands are a quick way to insert adjustments throughout your comparables grids.
There are three types of slash commands:
1. Unit Multiplier
2. Price Percentage
3. Date of Sale/Time
Slash commands can apply a positive or negative adjustment to an individual comparable or to all comparables.
To use a slash command on an individual comp, visit an adjustment field and type a forward slash followed by a number (e.g. "/10" without the quotation marks), then hit Enter.
To use a slash command across all comps, type a double forward slash followed by a number (e.g. "//10" without the quotation marks).
Unit Multiplier
The Unit Multiplier slash command is available in adjustment rows that have quantitative units associated with them, like GLA or site.
The Unit Multiplier command keys off the description fields of the subject and the comparable(s). The number you enter for the slash command will be the amount you want the difference between the subject and the comp multiplied by.
For example, if you have a subject with a GLA of 2,500 sq. ft. and a comp with a GLA of 2,400 sq. ft. (a difference of 100 sq. ft.), and you enter /50 in the Gross Living Area adjustment field, an adjustment of $5,000 will be entered.
Price Percentage
The Price Percentage slash command is available in adjustment rows that do not have quantitative units associated with them.
The Price Percentage command keys off the sale price of the comparable(s). The number you enter for the slash command will be the percentage of the sale price you want entered as an adjustment.
For example, if you have a comp with a sale price of $275,000 and enter /10 in the Location adjustment field, an adjustment of $27,500 will be entered.
Date of Sale/Time
The Date of Sale/Time slash command is a special case available in the Date of Sale/Time row.
There are three possible Date of Sale/Time slash commands: yearly percentage, monthly percentage, and daily flat rate, matching the options on the automatic adjustments addendum. To trigger the yearly percentage command, enter a forward slash and number followed by a “y”; to trigger the monthly percentage command, a forward slash and number followed by an “m”; the daily flat rate command, a forward slash and number followed by a “d”.
Both the yearly and monthly percentage commands key off the sale price of the comparable(s), the date of sale of the comparable(s), and the effective date of the report. The number you enter for the slash command will be the yearly or monthly percentage rate of market change.
The daily flat rate command keys off the date of sale of the comparable(s) and the effective date of the report. The number you enter for the slash command will be the amount in dollars of market change per day.
All three options function identically to their respective Market Conditions automatic adjustment with the year options. Note that the yearly and monthly percentage rate commands respect the "use compound growth instead of simple growth" and "deduct seller concessions" settings under File > Settings > Form Processing.
Date of Sale/Time Adjustment Format Panel
Because the Date of Sale/Time adjustment can be so important and complex, Appraise-It Pro also includes a special format panel to help calculate an adjustment there.
Just as with the slash commands, yearly percentage, monthly percentage, and daily flat rate options are available. Choose your calculation type and the panel will display the formula used to calculate the adjustment. Once you enter your rate, the panel will calculate the adjustment and display it to you. Click Apply to insert the adjustment into your report.