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Appraise-It Pro: Using Sketch32 (Part 2)

Continued from: Appraise-It Pro: Using Sketch32 (Part 1)


Adding a Sketch Page

With Sketch32, you also have the option of putting a second floor, third floor or outbuilding on an additional page. 

1. To add a new page, select the green plus icon on the toolbar.

  • A new tab will open with a blank canvas ready for drawing.
  • Each page is available in its own tab below the toolbar.

2. To delete a page, select its tab, then select the red X icon on the toolbar.


Transferring the Sketch

When your sketch is complete, you can transfer it to Appraise-It Pro.

1. Go to the File menu and select Save Sketch

  • Do not change the automatically generated filename. This links your sketch to your appraisal report.

2. Select Save.

Your sketch and square footage information will transfer into your appraisal report. You can browse to your sketch addenda in the Report pane to review your sketch image(s).


Updating the Sketch

You can make changes to your sketch at any time.

1. With your report open in Appraise-It Pro, go to the Tools tab and select Sketch32.

2. Make the necessary changes to your sketch.

3. Go to the File menu and select Save Sketch.

Your updated sketch and square footage information will transfer into your appraisal report.


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Last Updated
August 21, 2020