Knowledge Base

What does the validator's comp consistency rule check for?

FNMA requires that your comps be consistent with previous reports. However, comps can and will change over time. According to an announcement by Fannie Mae:

Data accuracy issues seen in Fannie Mae’s analysis include, but are not limited to, instances when the same appraiser has provided inaccurate, inconsistent, or contradictory information on the same property and same transaction across multiple appraisals. Fannie Mae reviews appraisal reports for patterns of discrepancies and inconsistencies related to property characteristics such as gross living area, sales price, room count and lot size, as well as condition, quality, view and location ratings.

If it is a new transaction then it is natural that the comp could be different than it was in your previous reports. Our validator, in both Appraise-It and Appraise-It Pro, accounts for this when checking comp consistency. If your report contains a comp that you have used before and it has a different sold date, the validator will not check it for consistency because it could have changed in the intervening time.


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Last Updated
March 20, 2020