Appraise-It has two modes of time calculation. By default, a simple growth formula is used. Older versions of Appraise-It used a compound growth formula.
Both formulas use the same variables:
R = annual percentage rate
D = number of days between the effective date of report and the pending/contract date
P = comp sale price
The simple growth formula is D × (R / 365) × P. The compound growth formula is [(1 + (R / 365))^D - 1] × P.
1. With your report open in Appraise-It, go to Contents ⇨ Adjustments, or click the Adjustments icon on the toolbar.
2. Enter your Annual Percentage Rate in the Time adjustment field.
3. Check the Automatic box.
4. If desired, enter a threshold percentage in the Adjust? column.
5. Close the Adjustments Addendum and navigate to your report's Effective Date of Appraisal field, and enter the correct date.
6. Navigate to your sales or listings grid and enter your subject's Sales Price.
7. Enter your comp or listing's Sales Price and Date of Sale/Time.
8. An adjustment based on the selected formula will be inserted in the adjustment column.
See Also
How does Appraise-It calculate bath adjustments?
How does Appraise-It calculate room count adjustments?
How does Appraise-It calculate square footage adjustments?
How does Appraise-It calculate basement adjustments?