Knowledge Base

Why am I getting an Import.exe error when opening Apex from the Tools menu in Appraise-It?

If you attempt to open your Apex sketch program and receive the following error, a file that Appraise-It needs to connect to Apex is missing.

Import.exe Error

This is usually caused by your antivirus client incorrectly identifying our file as a threat and quarantining or deleting it. There are several ways to prevent this from happening.

  • Modify Your Antivirus Settings
    If you know how, set your antivirus to ignore C:\TRA\Import.exe. This can be done in your antivirus client's preferences; most antivirus companies have technical support online that can help you figure out how to do this.
  • Replace Your Antivirus
    Microsoft has a free antivirus client available that will keep your computer safe but not interfere with your other programs.

    1. Uninstall your current antivirus client through your computer's control panel.
    2. Download and install Microsoft Security Essentials. Note: If you are running Windows 8, you already have Security Essentials installed.

After you have reconfigured your antivirus, you will still be missing the Import.exe file Appraise-It needs to integrate with Apex.

Replace Import.exe
1. Save your work and close Appraise-It.
2. Click here to download a new copy of the Import.exe file.
3. Save that file to C:\TRA on your computer's harddrive.
4. Reopen Appraise-It and confirm you can now launch Apex from the Tools menu.

You could also reinstall Appraise-It to restore the file, but the above steps are generally faster.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact Technical Support.


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Last Updated
June 07, 2013