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How do I search in Comp Manager?

Comp Manager's database can be searched by over 40 data points, allowing you to narrow your results of thousands of comps to a more manageable group.

Basic Searching

When you open Comp Manager, the default search parameters appear in the Search pane. Tiles may have custom options depending on the type of search term they represent. Some, like "Address - State", will have drop-downs that give you all available choices. Most will allow you to enter your own search terms.

Comp Manager Search Option 1

Where possible, number- or phrase-based search parameters will allow you to specify different search options.

Contains means results will include any instance of your search term, whether it stands alone or is part of a larger phrase. For example, searching for "York" with Contains active will return results from York, New York, Yorktown, et cetera.
Equals means results will include precisely what you search for. For example, searching for "York" with Equals active will return results from York.
Begins With means results will include any instance of your search term where it stands alone or is the beginning of a larger phrase. For example, searching for York with Begins With active will return results from York, Yorktown, et cetera.
Ends With means results will include any instance of your search term where it stands alone or is the end of a larger phrase. For example, searching for York with Ends With active will return results from York, New York, et cetera.

Comp Manager Search Options 2

Where possible, date- or value-based search parameters will allow you to specify different search options.

Between allows you to specify a range based on dates or values.
Equals allows you to specify a single date or value, and will only return results that match that date or value exactly.
Before/Less Than allows you to specify a single date or value, and will only return results before that date/below that value.
After/Greater Than allows you to specify a single date or value, and will only return results after that date/above that value.

Comp Manager Calendar Search

Date fields allow you to manually enter a date in the format MM/DD/YYYY, or click the calendar drop-down and browse to a date.

When you have entered all relevant search terms, click the View Results button at the bottom of the Options pane.

Custom Search Parameters

Comp Manager's default search parameters, which appear the first time you open the program, are based on the most common search terms used to find comps. However, if you find you never use certain parameters, you can remove them from the view by clicking the X in the upper right-hand corner of the tile. Additional search parameters are also available in the drop-down at the top of the Options pane.

Once you have removed and/or added the relevant search parameters, you can save your changes as a search scheme. Click the Save As button in the Options pane, enter your desired scheme name, then click OK. You can save multiple schemes and switch between them using the provided drop-down, and choose to set any of them as the default.

If you make changes to your search parameters but do not save them in a scheme, the search parameters will revert to the default scheme the next time you open Comp Manager.


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Last Updated
February 15, 2019