Knowledge Base

How do I use the neighborhoods database in Appraise-It?

The neighborhoods database allows you to save information for a neighborhood and reuse it in future reports, such as the neighborhood section of the report and the neighborhood boundaries and description extended comments pages.

Adding a Neighborhood

1. Open the report containing the information that you would like to save for the neighborhood.

2. Open the neighborhoods database by going to Tools>Neighborhoods.

3. Enter a name for the neighborhood into the neighborhood ID field. This is the name that you will use it to find it in the future.

4. If the city field is empty, enter the neighborhood's city into it.

5. Enter a description of the neighborhood into the description field. 

6. Click on the insert button to add the neighborhood to the database.


Loading a Neighborhood

1. Open the report that you want to load the neighborhood information into.

2. Open the neighborhoods database by going to Tools>Neighborhoods.

3. Click on the neighborhood ID dropdown box and select the neighborhood.

4. Click on the load button to load the neighborhood information into the report.


Updating a Neighborhood

1. Open the report containing the updated neighborhood information.

2. Open the neighborhoods database by going to Tools>Neighborhoods.

3. Click on the neighborhood ID dropdown box and select the neighborhood.

4. Click the update button to update the neighborhood's information.


Deleting a Neighborhood

1. Open the neighborhoods database by going to Tools>Neighborhoods.

2. Click on the neighborhood ID dropdown box and select the neighborhood.

3. Click the delete button to delete the neighborhood from the database.


Searching for a Neighborhood

1. Open the neighborhoods database by going to Tools>Neighborhoods.

2. Type in part of the neighborhood ID.

3. Click on the search button to find the neighborhood.


Navigating the Database

  • The "First" and "Last" buttons take you to the first and last entry in the database.
  • The "Next" and "Previous" buttons allow you to go to the next or previous entry in the database.
  • The "Clear" button clears the neighborhood ID, city, and description fields.
  • The "Close" button exits the database.
















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Last Updated
March 19, 2020